Professional service from professional mechanics

We service any style and any brand of bicycle

When you bring your bike to us you can be sure it'll be in safe hands. Our service team is here to help you select the right service for your needs.


In-store Service

Drop your bike off at the the store and we’ll add you to our service schedule. To reduce your time without your bike, you may schedule an appointment in advance.

Pick up & Drop off

Do you need help transporting your bike to our shop? Our pick-up and drop-off service is for you. We’ll pick up your bike from your home or office and return it when the work is complete.

On-site Service

We bring the bike shop to you, whether that’s your house, your office, or the trailhead. Schedule your appointment, and we’ll come to your location and complete your bike service while you wait.

Service Packages

Package pricing includes labor only. The price of parts related to service in not included.

Bike Check

The bike check service will give you the confidence that your bike is safe and in good working order.

Standard Tune Up

When you notice your bike isn’t working well, the standard tune up will get your bike back in tip top shape.

Standard Tune Up w/ drive train clean: $165.

Complete Overhaul

The complete overhaul will make your bike as good as new. Your bike will be stripped down to the bare frame, cleaned, and reassembled.

Feature Check Standard Overhaul
Inspect drivetrain, brakes, and tires for wear
Adjust brakes
Adjust drive train and lubricate
Check frame and fork alignment
Check bearing and adjust as needed
Wipe down frame and components
True wheels
Deep clean drive train
Remove and clean bottom bracket (threaded)
Bleed Hydraulic Brakes
Cable and housing replacement